Our Services

In Community Case Management, we craft detailed, personalized service plans prioritizing autonomy, empowerment, community integration, health, and safety. Our dedicated team offers Case Management services to adults aged 18 and above with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Our services encompass a wide range of support, including but not limited to the creation and ongoing management of a comprehensive, person-centered service plan. We engage in activities such as referring and coordinating necessary services and supports, advocating for our clients, and identifying their needs and aspirations. Utilizing the “Charting the Life Course” framework, we assist our clients in conceptualizing their ideal life, setting objectives, and tackling challenges while navigating and advocating for the necessary support. 

How Can We Help?

Our Case Management team delivers exceptional Individual Service Plans, which detail all the supports and services provided to each individual. These plans comply with the HCBS rule setting and are meticulously reviewed every 90 days and updated annually to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

What Is Person-Centered Planning?

Person-Centered Planning means you are the expert in your own life and what your good life looks like. The Person-Centered Planning process listens and learns about what is most important to you: 

  • What to do and how to spend your time. You might work, learn something new, volunteer, pursue hobbies and interests, or a mix of choices;
  • Who to have relationships with and how to be involved in chosen communities;
  • Where to live and with whom; and
  • How to balance health, safety, and risks.

What Is Charting the Life Course?

Charting the LifeCourse is a framework that was developed to help individuals and families of all abilities and at any age or stage of life develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live.  Individuals and families may focus on their current situation and stage of life but may also find it helpful to look ahead to start thinking about life experiences now that will help move them toward an inclusive, productive life in the future.

Our Team

Our team consists of a group of highly qualified and well-trained individuals. At a minimum, our CCM staff must have a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year institution of higher learning with a specialization in psychology, mental health, human services, behavioral health, behavioral sciences, social work, human development, special education, counseling, rehabilitation, sociology, nursing or closely related field is minimally required.

Additionally, our CCM’s attend Bi-Weekly supervision sessions as well as team meetings monthly. We proudly announce that all our Case Managers are currently earning their LSW.

Meet Our Community Case Management Team

Julia Herrick, LSW Manager of Community Case Management

Contact Information: 207-890-1090, juliaherrick@progresscentermaine.org Oxford Office: 5 Fore Street, Oxford, Maine 04270

Kevin Gott, Case Manager

Contact Information: 207-461-1616, kevingott@progresscentermaine.org Oxford Office, 5 Fore Street, Oxford, Maine 04270

Maura Broberg, LSX, Case Manager 

Contact Information: 207-393-7807, maurabroberg@progresscentermaine.org Oxford Office: 5 Fore Street, Oxford, Maine 04270

Jennifer Morris, Case Manager

Contact Information: 207-461-1560, jennifermorris@progresscentermaine.org Oxford Office: 5 Fore Street, Oxford, Maine 04270

Danielle Woodbury,  Case Manager

Contact Information: 207-890-0572 , daniellewoodbury@progresscentermaine.org Bridgton Office: 300 Portland Road, Bridgton, Maine 04009

Samantha Dimmick,  Case Manager

Contact Information: 207-890-4712, samanthadimmick@progresscentermaine.org Oxford Office: 5 Fore Street, Oxford, Maine 04270

Suzanne Lambert,  Case Manager

Contact Information: 207-461-1345, suzannelambert@progresscentermaine.org Oxford Office: 5 Fore Street, Oxford, Maine 04270

Christine LaVoie,  Case Manager

Contact Information: christinelavoie@progresscentermaine.org Oxford Office: 5 Fore Street, Oxford, Maine 04270

The Rights of Maine Citizens with Developmental Disabilities

(This straight forward explanation of consumer rights, adapted from 34 - B MRSA Chapter 186-A, is intended for use by consumers and providers.) I would like to tell you about the law that says how other people are supposed to treat you. This law says that you have the right to do certain things, and there are other things which no one can make you do. For example:
  1. No one can tease you or make fun of you. You can tell them to leave you alone if they do.
  2. No one can stop you from going to church or saying prayers if you want to.
  3. No one can read your mail unless you say it's O.K. No one can stop you from mailing a letter.
  4. No one can stop you from using the telephone, TTY or fax machine and no one can listen to your phone calls unless you say it's O.K.
  5. No one can stop other people from coming to visit you, and no one can hang around when you have company unless you say it's O.K.
  6. If you have a job, you have to be paid fairly according to existing laws. You can ask your caseworker for details.
  7. No one can stop you from voting, and no one can tell you who to vote for. After you vote, no one can make you tell who you voted for unless you want to tell.
  8. No one can take away your clothes or money, or touch any of your things unless you say it's O.K.
  9. No one can take away your food to punish you or to be mean to you.
  10. No one can stop you from going to the doctor if you don't feel well or to the dentist if your teeth hurt. No one can stop you from asking the doctor to come see you if you don't have a way to get to his/her office. If you want to see the doctor or dentist, just ask. No one can make you go the doctor or dentist if you don't want to go.
  11. No one can make you take medicine to punish you or just to keep you quiet or sleepy.
  12. No one can stop you from talking to other people.
  13. No one can stop you from going outside to walk around or going to the movies or things like that.
  14. Nobody can hit you or hurt you for doing something wrong.
  15. No one can hold on to you against your will unless they are sure you are going to hurt yourself or someone else. No one can hold you against your will just to punish you or be mean to you.
  16. No one can put you in a bed with bars on it unless it is to protect you from falling out.
  17. You have a right to see anything that is written about you. All you have to do is ask. No one can show these records to anybody unless you say they can.
  18. You have the right to get together with the other people you live with and to form a group to make your needs known to those who own and run the place you live and work in.
  19. Before anyone can put you in an institution such as Dorothea Dix or the Riverview Psychiatric Center they have to prove to a judge that you need to go to an institution, and that an institution is the best and only place for you at the time.
  20. If you think someone is trying to stop you from doing any of these things or isn't treating you the way they are supposed to, you can tell your caseworker or someone who is your friend to help you make them stop treating you wrong.
  21. No one can talk about you to others without your permission.
  22. If you use sign language or gestures to communicate, you have the right to work, live, and relax with other people who can sign to you and can understand your signs and gestures.

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