Who Are Shared Living Providers?
A shared living provider is anyone who wants to live with a person with IDD/DD and is willing to meet training and documentation requirements.
A parent, a relative, a family friend. You! Yes, even you can be a shared living provider.
As a Shared Living Provider, you play a vital role in creating a supportive home environment and fostering community inclusion for the individual. Your responsibilities extend to providing the necessary level of support and managing the day-to-day activities that align with the individual’s Person-Centered Plan.

What is Shared Living?
Shared Living is one of many residential service models that adults with developmental disabilities can choose from when they want extra help in their everyday lives. The person and their provider share a home, much like a member of the family.
The benefit of the Shared Living program is it enables people to live in a more traditional home setting while still receiving the care they need. The home can be owned or rented by the Shared Living Provider or the person receiving services.
The Shared Living Provider is a trained Direct Support Professional who is paid for the work that they do. The support provided differs significantly from person to person. Some examples might be reminders to take medication as directed by the doctor, safety reminders like turning off the stove when dinner is done, or giving rides to the dentist.
How Does Shared Living Work?
There are four key players in a Shared Living Model: The person being supported, the provider of the services, the oversight agency, and the Department of Health and Human Services.
The Department of Health and Human Services manages MaineCare funds. These funds can be used by an adult with IDD/DD for services that help with activities like personal care and community inclusion. DHHS contracts with several oversight agencies, like The Progress Center, to make sure the funds are used in accordance with federal guidelines.
The Progress Center (oversight agency) then sub-contracts with the Shared Living Provider. The contract specifies the pay rate, training and certification requirements, and the support that TPC will provide to the SLP to ensure they meet the obligations outlined by
How will I know if Shared Living is Right for Me?
That is a great question! Shared Living is all about relationships. Sarah Rosenberg would be happy to meet with you and your team to discuss, in further detail, all that Shared Living has to offer.
Let us introduce you to Mainers that have experience with Shared Living Providers. Both providers and clients will have a wealth of information to share from both points of view.